Reason Code 30: Services Not Provided or Merchandise Not ReceivedCardholder did not receive, due to merchant’s unwillingness or inability: Services, Shipped merchandise, Merchandise delivered at the agreed-upon location or by the agreed-upon date, Airline or passenger rail tickets order via Mail/Phone or on-line. Required Media:Documentation to prove that the cardholder received the services or merchandise, or proof that credit was issued. Reason Code 41: Cancelled Recurring Transaction
The sale resulted from a recurring transaction or pre-authorized health care transaction and: the issuer receives a complaint from the cardholder that payment of a recurring transaction or pre-authorized health care transaction was cancelled; or a previous transaction, resulting from the same written authorization was charged back and such authorization was not expressly renewed by the cardholder; or the issuer receives a complaint from the cardholder that (i) the recurring transaction amount was not within the range of amounts pre-authorized by the cardholder on the recurring transaction order form or (ii) the merchant was to notify the cardholder prior to processing each recurring transaction, and the cardholder did not receive written notification of the charge from the merchant postmarked at least 10 days prior to the transaction date, or the merchant sent written notification of the charge at least 10 days prior to the transaction date but the cardholder responded denying consent for the change to be posted to his/her account; or the cardholder's account was cancelled and/or is closed and previous notice was provided to the acquirer or the merchant that the account number was not be honored. A written rebuttal addressing the cardholder’s claim and any supporting documentation (ie: contract that shows cancellation requirements). Goods or services received were not as described on the transaction receipt or other documentation presented to the cardholder or, if a Mail/Phone Order or on-line purchase, as described by the merchant. Or, the merchandise was received damaged, defective or otherwise unsuitable for the purpose sold. Cardholder must attempt to return the merchandise or resolve the dispute before contacting his bank. A detailed written rebuttal addressing the cardholder’s claim (point by point) and any supporting documentation to prove the case. Rebuttal must address what steps were taken to resolve the complaint before it became a chargeback. The issuer receives a written complaint from its cardholder who acknowledges participation in at least one transaction at the same merchant location where the other transaction(s) allegedly involving the cardholder took place, but states that: he/she neither participated in not authorized the other transaction(s), and the card was in his/her possession at the time(s) of the other transaction(s). Signed sales receipts or invoices on all transactions related to the dispute and a detailed rebuttal describing the differences in the sales. Transaction data on the copy cannot be read or the substitute draft provided by the clearing member in response to a request for a copy does not include the required data. Note: Reversal rights are limited. Sales receipt with imprint or swipe and signature. All digits of the card number and cardholder name of a manual imprint must be legible. On a swiped card, the account number, authorization code, date, and amount must be readable. If card-not-present transaction, cardholder name and address must be printed on the receipt. A counterfeit card was used and proper procedures were not followed by the merchant on a quasi-cash transaction or on an Account Number Verifying Terminal, or an authorization was obtained without the transmission of the full track data of the card’s magnetic stripe. A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe. Merchant completed a transaction after receiving a negative account number verification, or an authorization was not required, but the account number was listed on the Exception File with a pick-up response and the merchant did not obtain an authorization or account number verification. Auth code along with date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Authorization was declined and merchant completed the transaction. If the authorization response was “decline,” “pick-up” or “referral” and a key-entered or voice authorization code was obtained and a counterfeit card was used, the sale may be charged back. Auth code along with date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Transaction exceeds the floor limit, and an authorization was not obtained on the transaction, or Transaction is an online check card transaction or an original adjustment. Auth code along with date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Transaction receipt shows that the card expired before the transaction date and the merchant did not obtain authorization. Auth code along with date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. The transaction date is more than 30 calendar days but less than 181 calendar days prior to the central processing date and the cardholder account number is blocked or closed. Or, the transaction date is more than 180 calendar days prior to the central processing date. Limited reversal rights: Permitted only if credit was issued or if proof can be presented that the sale was processed within the allotted time. Cardholder does not recognize the sale and the issuer has made a good-faith effort to help the cardholder recognize it. Issuer may also use this reason code if the merchant failed to respond to a retrieval request for reason codes 28, 29, or 30. A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe. If card-not-present transaction, invoice, AVS results, CVV2 results, and signed proof of delivery. Merchant incorrectly processed a credit transaction as a debit or a debit as a credit. Note: Amount of the chargeback will be twice the amount of the original. A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe for all transactions involved in the dispute and a written rebuttal to explain why the cardholder is not due credit. The cardholder account number transmitted through Visa does not match an account number on the issuer's cardholder master file and no authorization was obtained. Sales receipt and proof of authorization by issuer. The service code on the magnetic stripe or chip indicated that the card was invalid for the transaction and the merchant did not obtain authorization. Date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Issuer processed a retrieval request for reason code 33 (Legal Process or Fraud Analysis) and merchant failed to provide a copy of the signed sales receipt. No reversal rights except for credit issued. Used under any of the following circumstances: merchant processed an incorrect transaction amount, merchant processed an account number that did not match the one on the transaction receipt, cardholder’s transaction receipt contains an addition or transposition error, transaction receipt was altered without cardholder permission. A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe to show that cardholder agreed to the amount or that card number was correct. Written rebuttal if amount was altered after cardholder signed the receipt. A transaction was processed in a face-to-face environment but a card imprint or swipe or cardholder signature was not obtained, and the cardholder did not participate in the transaction. May be used if there is no valid issued or outstanding card bearing the card number. A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe. A single transaction was presented two or more times to the issuer for the same cardholder account number, similar transaction amounts and similar clearing data. If the same transaction was processed by different acquirers, the issuer is required to dispute the transaction that posted last. For express payment service (EPS) or small ticket transactions, the amounts must be the same. Two different, signed receipts or invoices. If sales receipt does not contain detail of items purchase, include an itemized list. For EPS and Small Ticket transactions, signatures aren’t required, just detail of what was purchased. A transaction was processed in a card-absent environment without the cardholder’s permission or with a fictitious account number. Also may be used on an e-commerce transaction in which the issuer responded to an authentication request with the CAVV but the acquirer did not provide value in the authorization request. Invoice with ship to/bill to addresses, AVS results, CVV2 results if applicable, and signed proof of delivery. If T&E, proof that the sale was a properly processed “no show” transaction. The merchant issued a credit transaction receipt or refund acknowledgement but the transaction was not processed through interchange, or The cardholder returned merchandise or cancelled a sale but did not receive a credit receipt or refund acknowledgement. A written rebuttal addressing the cardholder’s claim and any supporting documentation to prove the case, such as a signed contract or return policy. A sale posted to the cardholder’s credit card account; however, the cardholder can prove that he paid by an alternative means. Alternative means can be cash, check, a sale to a different credit card, or a sale to a debit card. A written rebuttal addressing the cardholder’s claim and any supporting documentation to prove the case such as proof that credit was issued. Cardholder completed an ATM or TravelMoney transaction but received only partial funds or no funds. ATM audit log. Transaction appeared on the Risk Identification Service report. No reversal rights except for credit issued. A transaction at a limited amount terminal exceeded $25 or a transaction at a self-service terminal (including an automated fuel dispenser) exceeded $50. Sales receipt and written rebuttal stating that this is not a transaction completed at a self service terminal or limited amount terminal. |