Reason Code 4801: Requested Data Transaction Not ReceivedThe issuer did not receive an original, substitute draft, or copy of a transaction information document (TID) within 30 calendar days following the Central Site processing date of the Retrieval Request. The issuer must submit the chargeback within 60 calendar days of the Central Site retrieval request date. Required Media:No reversal rights. Reason Code 4802: Requested/Required Information Illegible or MissingA favorable Image Review decision is received under the following circumstances: If, in response to a retrieval request, the issuer receives a TID or substitute draft that is missing information or If the TID contains illegible information that is required in the resolution process Required Media:Sales receipt with imprint or swipe and signature. All digits of the card number, the authorization code, date, and amount must be readable. If card-not-present transaction, cardholder name and address must be printed on the receipt. Reason Code 4807: Warning Bulletin File:A transaction was not previously authorized with an approval response as specified in the MasterCard Authorization System Manual and the account number was listed in the MasterCard Electronic Warning Bulleting file on the date of the transaction for the region in which the transaction was acquired. Required Media:Date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Reason Code 4808: Requested/Required Authorization Not ObtainedOne of the following: The authorization was declined. The transaction: was face-to-face, card-read or key-entered, occurred at a location with a POS device that had both online and magnetic stripe-read capability and was not authorized, was non-face-to-face and was not authorized, amount exceeded the floor limit established by MasterCard in effect at the time of the purchase, and was not authorized. Required Media:Date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Reason Code 4812: Account Number Not on FileA transaction was presented with an account number that does not match any account number on file. Required Media:A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe. If card-not-present transaction, date of authorization if different from transaction date. Reason Code 4831: Transaction Amount DiffersRequired Media:Signed sales receipt or documentation proving that an addition error has not occurred. Reason Code 4834: Duplicate ProcessingThe cardholder or the issuer determines that the same transaction was processed more than once. Required Media:Two different, signed receipts or invoices. If sale draft does not contain detail of items purchased, include an itemized list. Reason Code 4835: Card Not Valid or ExpiredA transaction was made using a card that was not valid or was expired. This chargeback is also used for a non-face-to-face transaction using a card that was expired if the card acceptor did not obtain authorization. Required Media:Date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Reason Code 4837: No Cardholder AuthorizationThe cardholder states, in writing, that neither he, she, nor anyone authorized by him or her engaged in the transaction or a face-to-face transaction took place using a once valid, unexpired, revoked account number and the issuer can certify in writing that the unexpired physical card is not outstanding because it was recovered, destroyed, or both. Required Media:A signed and swiped/imprinted sales receipt. If card-not-present transaction, invoice with bill to/ship to addresses, AVS results, and signed proof of delivery. Reason Code 4840: Fraudulent Processing of TransactionsThe cardholder states in writing that neither he, she, nor anyone authorized by the cardholder was still in the possession and control of all valid cards at the time of the transaction, and the cardholder admits to at least one legitimate transaction at a given card acceptor location, but denies knowledge of one or more additional unauthorized transactions at that same card acceptor location. NOTE: This reason code is often used when the transactions are different dollar amounts and/or dates. Required Media:Signed sales receipts or invoices on all transactions and a detailed rebuttal describing the difference in the sales. Reason Code 4841: Canceled Recurring TransactionNOTE: It must be a payment without an end-date in order to qualify as a recurring transaction (i.e. an insurance premium, computer service, or a book-of-the-month club) The card acceptor continued to bill a cardholder after receiving notification of cancellation from the cardholder or issuer or The issuer listed the cardholder’s account information on the Recurring Payment Cancellation Service (RPCS) and notified the acquirer. Required Media:A written rebuttal addressing the cardholder's claim and any supporting documentation to prove the case (ie: contract). Reason Code 4842: Late PresentmentThe Central Site processing date is more than 30 calendar days after the transaction date and the account is statused by one of the following codes: C-Credit problem, F-other fraud (lost/stolen/never received), X-counterfeit card, O-Account closed NOTE: A payment transaction must be presented in clearing within one business day of the authorization date. Therefore, the issuer may submit a chargeback for a Payment Transaction using the message reason code 4842 before the 30-calendar day presentment time frame normally required for this message reason code. Required Media:The sales receipt and/or date and amount of the authorization if other than the transaction date. Reason Code 4846: Correct Transaction Currency Code Not ProvidedThe acquirer did not transmit the correct transaction currency code for the currency in which the transaction was completed or the transaction occurred in a dual currency environment and a transaction currency is not specified on the TID. Required Media:Documentation proving that the correct currency was used to settle the sale. Reason Code 4847: Requested/Required Authorization Not Obtained and Fraudulent TransactionOne of the following: The authorization was declined. The transaction: was face-to-face, card-read or key-entered, occurred at a location with a POS device that had both online and magnetic stripe-read capability and was not authorized, was non-face-to-face and was not authorized, amount exceeded the floor limit established by MasterCard in effect at the time of the purchase, and was not authorized. In addition, the cardholder states in writing that neither he, she, nor anyone authorized by him or her, engaged in the transaction. Required Media:Date and amount of authorization, if other than the transaction date and amount. Reason Code 4849: Questionable Merchant ActivityAn acquirer processed a transaction for a card acceptor that later was listed in a MasterCard Global Security Bulletin for violating section 9.14.1 in the MasterCard Bylaws and Rules or section 8.4 in the Security Rules and Procedures manual. Required Media:No reversal rights except for credit issued. Reason Code 4850: Credit Posted as a PurchaseA cardholder account has been inaccurately posted with a debit instead of a credit as a result of an incorrect transaction code or keying error (i.e. credit posted as a retail sale). Required Media:A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe of all transactions involved in the dispute and a written rebuttal to explain why the cardholder is not due credit. Note: Amount of chargeback will be twice the amount of the original sale because the cardholder is claiming that a credit posted as a debit. Reason Code 4853: Cardholder Dispute-Defective/Not as DescribedA cardholder returned (or attempted to return) goods or services to a card acceptor for any of the following reasons: goods and services did not conform to their description (quality, workmanship, color, size, or quantity is not as described) or goods arrived broken or could not be used for the intended purpose. Required Media:A detailed written rebuttal addressing the cardholder's claim (point by point) and any supporting documentation to prove the case. Rebuttal must address what steps the merchant took to resolve the complaint before it became a chargeback. Reason Code 4854: Cardholder Dispute-Not Elsewhere Classified (U.S. Region Only)Cardholder has made an unsuccessful good-faith effort to resolve a dispute with the card acceptor that involves goods or services, and the dispute reflects a claim or defense authorized against issuers or creditors according to federal, state, or local truth-in-lending laws. Required Media:A detailed written rebuttal addressing the cardholder's claim (point by point) and any supporting documentation to prove the case. Rebuttal must address what steps the merchant took to resolve the complaint before it became a chargeback. Reason Code 4855: Non-receipt of MerchandiseThe cardholder or his or her authorized representative did not receive goods that were to be shipped or delivered. Required Media:Documentation to prove that the cardholder received the merchandise or proof that credit was issued. Reason Code 4857: Card-Activated Telephone TransactionIssuer receives a complaint from its cardholder stating that he or she did not authorize or engage in one or more transactions resulting from a card-activated telephone transaction from the same card acceptor. Also can be used for cardholder claims about any kind of billing discrepancy (i.e. he or she talked for 5 minutes, but was billed for 10 minutes) Required Media:A signed and swiped/imprinted sales receipt and/or a written rebuttal verifying that this sale was not a card-activated transaction. Reason Code 4859: Services Not RenderedCardholder disputes a transaction for one of the following reasons: RS1-card acceptor is unable or unwilling to render services (i.e. out of business). Cannot be used to dispute an airline transaction, RS2-cardholder paid for services or goods by other means (i.e. a check), RS3-cardholder received none or only part of an ATM cash disbursement (not applicable in cases of alleged fraud), RS4-cardholder did not receive airline transportation, RS5-cardholder is disputing a “no-show” hotel charge from a card acceptor that participates in the MasterCard Guaranteed Reservations Service, RS6-can be used to return Payment Transactions when the issuer is unable to accept Payment Transactions due to local law, member policy, or other restrictions, RS7-cardholder is disputing any subsequent transaction representing an addendum to any valid transaction from the same card acceptor. Required Media:Documentation to prove that the cardholder received the services, or proof that credit was issued. Reason Code 4860: Credit Not ProcessedIssuer received a letter of complaint from a cardholder stating that a card acceptor has not posted a credit to his or her account or that the card acceptor posted a credit and reduced the amount of the credit due without proper disclosure. Required Media:A written rebuttal addressing the cardholder's claim and any supporting documentation to prove the case. Reason Code 4862: Counterfeit Transaction Magnetic Stripe POS Fraud The issuer receives a letter from the cardholder stating that neither he, she, nor anyone authorized by him or her engaged in the disputed transaction and that the cardholder or a person authorized by him or her was in possession of all cards issued with the account on the transaction date and the transaction is subsequently determined to be the result of counterfeit magnetic stripe fraud, and the entire unaltered contents of the magnetic stripe was not transmitted and not approved by the issuer or its agent. Required Media:A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe. Reason Code 4863: Cardholder Does Not Recognize-Potential FraudCardholder claims that he or she does not recognize a face-to-face transaction appearing on their statement and the issuer made a good-faith effort to identify the transaction for the cardholder. Required Media:A signed sales receipt with imprint or swipe. If card-not-present transaction, invoice, AVS results, CVV2 results, and signed proof of delivery. |