High Risk Credit Card Processing for Travel Merchant Accounts
In the eCommerce world, the success of your business largely depends on the credit card processing service that you provide to your customers, whether it's a travel merchant account or any other high risk merchant. That is why, as the best merchant account provider, Instabill offers you the perfect solution for all your high risk credit card processing needs.
Merchant account providers must provide merchant account holders with high risk credit card processing facility along with tools for online credit card processing services that will help not only the customers in credit card processing but will also make accepting credit card payments a lot easier for the merchants. This in return will boost sales and earn profit. And it gets even better!
Additional Features of our Travel Merchant Accounts
The travel industry is now considered as a high risk business, owing to the added risk factor of high volume sales, potential chargeback, refunds etc. At Instabill we have installed advanced fraud protection systems on our secure servers so that chargeback claims are minimized. Additional features of our high risk credit card processing services for travel merchant accounts include:
- Boost in Sales - once merchants start accepting credit cards online, with our travel merchant account, their sales tend to increase ten-fold.
- Real-time Processing - travel merchant accounts allow real-time internet facilities to accept credit card payments online
- Cost Effective Solutions - with our travel merchant accounts business owners gain confidence to commence online credit card processing
- Secure Servers - Instabill offers secure servers so that our travel merchant account holders feel more secure when buying and selling products online
- 24 Hours Technical Support - we provide a 24/ 7 technical support and customer service facility
- Fraud Protection - we offer protection against credit card fraud. Our online fraud protection helps minimize the impacts of fraud on your business
- Payment Gateway and Virtual Terminal - travel merchant account holders are now able to accept all kinds of electronic payment through our secure payment gateway and virtual terminal
- Credit Card Processing Tools - Instabill also offers certain tools that can help in online credit card processing
- Expand your Business - online credit card processing allows merchants to accept payments from around the globe
- Risk Management - At Instabill we provide you with the best risk management techniques for your travel merchant account, especially when offering online credit card processing services