Merchant Accounts Costa Rica
Offering your customers the ability to pay through credit cards is the best way not just to earn profits but also to allow your business the convenience to increase sales and make money. The convenience of payment through credit cards allows a vast majority of customers whether online or offline attracts many and the best way to do this is to get a merchant account for your business that offers multiple payment options and will later on accept your high volume sales.
With the increase in online shopping, merchants now need an account that will not only allow them to accept credit card sales through physical locations but also accept credit card payments online. Although there are still some merchant account providers who are hesitant in offering merchant accounts to online business owners, especially high risk merchants, due to the risk factor and fraud involved but many now provide merchants with accounts that can accept both high risk and high volume sales world wide.
Costa Rica - eCommerce Services
Encouraging fast growth in the eCommerce industry, Costa Rica's economic policy has encouraged many into improving the eCommerce sector. With improvement in the telecom and the digital industry the country is likely to become the center of the eCommerce world soon.
Merchant Account Providers in Costa Rica
With the expanding technology and resources it will not be long before many merchant account providers realize the true worth of the Costa Rican industry. realizes the significance of the eCommerce industry of Costa Rica. That is why we, unlike most of the merchant account service providers, offer world wide services for our Costa Rican merchants. Whether you are a retail merchant or a high risk business owner in need of a high risk merchant account, we will provide you with the merchant accounts that are reliable and secure. Our offshore merchant accounts allow you to expand your business beyond physical boundaries.
Common Problems for Costa Rican Merchant Account Owners
Most non-Us based merchants face a lot of problems concerning their merchant accounts especially when it's concerning high risk merchant accounts like online pharmacy etc.
Most credit card processors refuse to accept high risk merchants like online casino/gambling, online pharmacy, adult, travel and others due to the risk involved and the potential threats. Some are unable to draw funds in their country, or their merchant account is closed due to high volume sales and they face innumerable problems when trying to accept debit and credit card payments.
Most processors tend to put a limit on as to how much a merchant can accept and withdraw and many a times the third party accounts don't work either. For many processors most high risk products are a big NO and merchant account holders are left frustrated.
Why for Merchant Accounts in Costa Rica?
Getting an Merchant Account means no worries!
With us you get a secure and reliable merchant account that not only accepts high volume sales but also allows you to do business offshore. Merchant Accounts allow you to:
- Process all kinds of major Credit Cards
- Get accepted for all kinds of High Risk businesses
- Cost Effective and Real-time Processing Solutions
Offshore Credit Card Processing
- Secure Payment Gateway and Reliable Virtual Terminal
- SSL Encrypted Servers and 3D Secure
- 24/7 Customer Care and Technical Support
- Recurring Billing and Online Reporting
- Fraud Protection Tools and Software
- Multi-currency Payment Options
- High Volume Merchant Accounts
- CVV2 and AVS verification
- Accept High Risk Merchants like Online Casino/Gaming, Adult Industry, Online Pharmacy, Travel, Replica and many more
- Various Payment Options like Credit, Debit Card Processing, Bank Wire, Direct Debit, ACH, ELV etc
We serve merchant's world wide! With's merchant accounts, whether offshore or high risk, merchants no longer have to worry about getting accepted by credit card processors or regarding secure transactions. For Costa Rica merchant accounts we provide it all here in one package!